Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Matching dice

  • FromJoseph Pate <jpate@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 2 Mar 2007 06:54:59 -0800 (PST)
Oh great, now I have to be more diligent about picking up Killer Bunnies
expansions...  ;-)

-Ankhst the Dice Enthusiast

p.s. even if someone else has done it before, why stop you?  Only reason
is if you're blatantly ripping off someone else's idea; but if you're 
developing a similar idea independently, go for it!

I just discovered a small dice game called Greed, which is basically yet
another repackaging of Zilch/Farkle/Bupkers -- but the dice are different,
so I'm there!

Same goes for pyramids -- I'm "one of those" who was reading the color-
accident stash threads with interest, though I must confess I still 
haven't picked up a grey stash yet, even though I have the rabbit points.
Guess I'd better get on that.

> Hey All,
> I made it to my FLGS this afternoon and picked up dice to match my
> pyramid collection:
> http://www.krisjohn.net/ll_dice.jpg
> I'm thinking of coming up with some sort of game with them.  I'll be
> playing Killer Bunnies lots this Sunday and they have some sort of
> coloured dice thing that matches the expansions or something so I'm
> going to see if it inspires me.
> I'm thinking maybe a resource game where you can roll one die for each
> different colour of *something* you control.
> Stop me if anyone has already done something like this with matching
> pyramids and dice.
> Yours, Chris (Krisjohn) Johnson.
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