They’ve probably been noted before, but these are
awesome: I’ve read some of debates about the correct formula for
dimensions of larger pieces, so I’ll hastily note that there are an
infinite number of possible formulas that would hit the 3 data points we have, and
I don’t claim any special knowledge of which one was sacred to the
ancients of Mars. That said, my preference is: For pip count n, Width = 7n + 11 Height = 12n + 20 both in 32nds of an inch. This gives the correct sizes for the 1,
2 and 3 points, it’s a pretty simple formula, and as pieces get larger
the aspect ratio converges to something pretty close to the the ones we know,
so they look pleasingly ice-ish. By that calculation, the red pyramid above is an almost perfect
30 pointer. Now where did I put that extra $1700? |