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[Icehouse] Re: Pointless Pedantic Pursuit of Proper Pyramid Proportions

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 05 Mar 2007 11:03:05 -0700
Maybe I'm not "caught up" enough on the discussion to contribute,
 but I though the whole ratio of pyramid dimensions is based on
 the fact that a small height = a large base width? All other
 dimensions are "derived" or "necessitated" by the thickness of
 the molds:

(1" - 25/32") / 2 -OR- (25/32 - 9/16) / 2
...both of which equal 0.109375 "wall thickness".

SO, for any piece size, one would have to simply add 0.21875 to
 the base of the previous piece size, and use the same angle for
 the peak, to derive the new height (using the trig for an
 isosceles triangle).

But I'll admit that I am no mathematical scholar. I just observe
 that the series is all about increases the bases and preserving
 the peak angle, for stackability.

Am I crazy, ignorant, or what?

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