Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] FLGS ditched Treehouse

  • From"Bob Winans" <rwinans@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 20 Oct 2007 17:34:11 -0400
You would do better by having a tree house or Three House demo at your FLGS
If you generate the interest in your local community, they will stock them
due to the demand.

-----Original Message-----
From: icehouse-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:icehouse-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Joseph Pate
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 7:08 PM
To: icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Icehouse] FLGS ditched Treehouse

I bet if you brought in your laptop and showed him the Icehouse Wiki
you could at least counter the "too expensive" argument... (assuming
you have a laptop)

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> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:10:01 -0700
> From: Christopher Hickman <tophu@xxxxxxx>
> To: Icehouse Discussion List <icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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> Subject: [Icehouse] FLGS ditched Treehouse
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> My local (well, the closest one to me, anyway) game store told me that 
Treehouse is "too expensive for what it is" and they won't be stocking it 
anymore.  (They're also charging 18 bucks for Zombie Fluxx, so maybe they
marking Treehouse up a few bucks, too.  I don't know, I never saw it in
> :(
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