Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Defending labsk.net (was: IGDC Winter 2008 is ready for announcement tomorrow!)

  • From"Don Sheldon" <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 9 Nov 2007 08:17:17 -0500
On 11/8/07, Jorge Arroyo <trozo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This email is not to add more fuel to the discussion about the contest, but
> Jose Carlos de Diego (designer of Mundialito and owner of labsk.net) asked
> me to translate the following to the list:
> "The original Martian Coasters are too small, that's why I made them bigger,
> so that the arrows are not covered by the pyramids. Also before labsk
> started promoting and talking about the Icehouse system, there wasn't almost
> anyone playing them in Spain."
> I'd like to add that I'm selling Icehouse pyramids at my shop, and thanks to
> the work of people in labsk, I can tell customers that they can find many
> Icehouse games translated to Spanish (I only started translating Icehouse
> games very recently). This, believe it or not, it's a main selling point.
> Also, if you ask other shops, they'll tell you how thanks to that web site,
> they're actually selling pyramids in Spain. So even if they host pdfs to
> make your own pyramids, or coasters, I think they've done much more good
> than bad to the Loonies...

Wow, that sounds fantastic.  Way to open up the market!

- |) () /\/

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