Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] XII IIT Finals Online

  • From"Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 24 Nov 2007 10:23:37 -0500
Joseph Peterson wrote:
Can you post the full videos someplace?  I think the conversation is
pretty necessary to understand how the game is going...  I'm interested
in them.  If it's just a matter of space, I can provide you some for a
couple weeks, I'm sure.

Well, I have the space and bandwidth, but we're talking about a lot of
waiting, here. Even at 320x240 and DivX encoded, the files are ~100MB
each. If there's only a few people wanting them, it might be faster
for me to mail out a few CD-Rs. The original capture file is over 10GB,
so I won't be sending that out to anybody any time soon. =^>

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans

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