Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] XII IIT Finals Online

  • From"Elliott C. Evans" <eeyore@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 23 Nov 2007 23:58:58 -0500

There appeared to be some interest in this recently, so I put the
overhead video of the 2001 12th International Icehouse Tournament
finals games up on YouTube.

In order to fit 15 minute games within the 10 minute limitation
of YouTube, I had to speed the video up. It's digital resampling,
so people's voices don't get all squeaky, but you can't really
understand what people are saying.


This should demonstrate the relative usefulness/uselessness of
overhead video of games of Icehouse.

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans

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