Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] IGDC Winter 2008 Reminder

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 27 Nov 2007 09:32:35 -0700
Hi, all;

This is just a reminder that there's just over three weeks remaining to
design, document on the wiki, and submit your game to
IGDC.Coordinator@xxxxxxxxx for the Winter 2008 IGDC.

So far, we have only two official submissions, though I suspect a few of
you are working on submissions (judging by the recent changes on the
wiki) but have not yet sent them to me.

Those of you who are active on SDG or BGG, please echo this reminder

Thanks, all!
David Artman
IGDC Coordinator, Winter 2008

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