Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Another addict enters the house

  • From"Don Sheldon" <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 17 Dec 2007 10:26:27 -0500
Welcome!  You are a gentleman of excellent taste.  Zendo and Gnosica
both make me very happy.

On 12/17/07, Graveyard Greg <graveyardgreg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Graveyard Greg here. I've been a long time admirer of the Icehouse
> pyramids but always balked at the price. I believe at the time it was
> the uber set that cost around 40 dollars.
> Years later, I'm at a con and a bunch of people are playing Zendo,
> though I did not know the game's name at the time, but I also
> noticed...the packaging! What was this Treehouse? Further investigation
> revealed it was a new game and a new packaging. Simply priced, at 10
> dollars for 15 pyramids. Plus there was a vendor selling them.
> One treehouse stash later, and it's a hit. I go home from the con, and
> my friends love the game.
> Fast forward to the recent week. I now own three Treehouse stashes, the
> 3HOUSE rules, and the Martian Coasters. I will soon be owning two *more*
> stashes so we can play Zendo and perhaps the first game I saw, said game
> being Zarcana, now known as Gnostica. Though I might just be a Zarcana
> supporter, but we'll see.
> So where's the pizza stashed in this house? I'm hungry!
> Graveyard Greg
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