Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Another addict enters the house

  • From"Timothy Hunt" <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 17 Dec 2007 15:34:00 -0600
Welcome, Greg!

I'd just like to point out that this story probably made the Looneys
go Squee because that's exactly what is hoped would happen with the
new marketing model :)


On 12/17/07, Graveyard Greg <graveyardgreg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Graveyard Greg here. I've been a long time admirer of the Icehouse
> pyramids but always balked at the price. I believe at the time it was
> the uber set that cost around 40 dollars.
> Years later, I'm at a con and a bunch of people are playing Zendo,
> though I did not know the game's name at the time, but I also
> noticed...the packaging! What was this Treehouse? Further investigation
> revealed it was a new game and a new packaging. Simply priced, at 10
> dollars for 15 pyramids. Plus there was a vendor selling them.
> One treehouse stash later, and it's a hit. I go home from the con, and
> my friends love the game.
> Fast forward to the recent week. I now own three Treehouse stashes, the
> 3HOUSE rules, and the Martian Coasters. I will soon be owning two *more*
> stashes so we can play Zendo and perhaps the first game I saw, said game
> being Zarcana, now known as Gnostica. Though I might just be a Zarcana
> supporter, but we'll see.
> So where's the pizza stashed in this house? I'm hungry!
> Graveyard Greg
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