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[Icehouse] IGDC results

  • FromDale Sheldon <dales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 25 Jul 2008 19:55:51 -0400 (EDT)
I apologize for how long I'm taking. But I did just take an hour out of my busy work day to bring you these results:

10 ballots (I was wrong about 11; one of those was a re-submital)

Judge	AL	AM	AT	D	L	M	P	T-	Tr	V
Scott M	3	2	9	6	1	10	8	7	4	5
Eric W	-	-	2	1	4	-	3	-	-	-
Avri K	4	3	2	5	1	7	-	6	-	-
Mike D	-	1	5	6	4	-	-	2	-	3
Daniel	-	-	3	2	-	-	4	-	-	1
Jason D	3	1	8	-	4	2	4	9	7	6
Jason S	3	-	5	8	1	6	7	3	-	2
Sherri	4	2	3	1	5	7	5	8	8	8
Doug O	3	4	5	7	2	6	8	8	8	1
Don S	-	1	5	6	4	2	3	8	9	7

Gives this marginal votes table (top-beats-side)

Game	AL	AM	AT	D	L	M	P	T-	Tr	V
AL	x	3	-2	-3	2	-4	-5	-5	-4	-1
AM	-3	x	-5	-4	-1	-6	-5	-7	-3	-4
AT	2	5	x	-1	5	-3	-2	-2	-1	4
D	3	4	1	x	4	0	-3	-3	-2	3
L	-2	1	-5	-4	x	-3	-1	-6	-5	-3
M	4	6	3	0	3	x	-2	-1	-3	0
P	5	5	2	3	1	2	x	-1	-2	1
T-	5	7	2	3	6	1	1	x	-1	4
Tr	4	3	1	2	5	3	2	1	x	2
V	1	4	-4	-3	3	0	-1	-4	-2	x

Now for the Modified Condorcet Ranked Pairs method. Unlike the last few contests, this one didn't have as many complicated cyclical ties (i.e., the aggregate opinion was much less divided); so the calculations are much simpiler.

Ambush defeated all other entrants, and is therefore the winner of the Summer 2008 IGDC. Congratulations to Jason Spears and Erik Oosterwal!

Excepting Ambush, Logger defeated all entrants, and is therefore the runner up of the Summer 2008 IGDC. Well done Erik Dresner!

Excepting Ambush and Logger, Albiorix defeated all entrants, and is therefore third place of the Summer 2008 IGDC. Good work Don Sheldon!

Things get a bit trickier from there on down, but Virus Fight (by Jorge Arroyo) edges into fourth, followed by Atom Smasher (by David Artman) in fifth. Sixth is a perfect tie between Dog Eat Dog (by Jason Darrah) and Martian Battlespires (by Jonathan Hartshorn), with the tail end being filled out by Pass the Pyramids (Avri Klemer) in 8th, T-Minus (Daniel Cristofani) in 9th, and Tresurion (Patrick Cowden) in 10th.

Thank you to all the entrants and judges. I'll round up the big email with all the feedback (and see if I can make the edits to the wiki) hopefully this weekend, and please spread the word about the contest; 10 is barely enough people to get a good read on things.

Any questions about the voting, or anyone interested in running the contest for the fall (I'm not against doing it again, but won't stand in the way if someone else wants it), either reply to the list or contact me at igdc.coordinator@xxxxxxxxx

Dale Sheldon

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