---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: S Myers <iamthecheeze@xxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 1:32 AM Subject: IGDC Votes To: IGDC.Coordinator@xxxxxxxxx Hi! Scott Myers here, burgeoning Icehouse enthusiast, and delighted juror fFor the 2008 IGDC! Here are my ratings, fFrom BEST to LEAST BEST. I have included some thoughts and notes to accompany each vote. Cheers! BEST GAME: Logger - Okay, I'm not entirely thrilled with the negative portrayal of hippie tree huggers in the game, but I like the game mechanic. And it's probably time there was some game wasn't all hippies and space ships, so I guess I can live with that. Clever use of making trees be treated like actual trees. fFun game, requires some creative strategy making. SECOND BEST GAME: Ambush - Simple elegant design, a specific start and end point in the game. Cool mechanic with a nice way of handling. Very nicely fFostered, and the rules include great visual examples. THIRD BEST GAME: Albiorix - I like the idea of not actually removing pieces, but "bringing them to a new way of thinking." It seems play could become very tight on a 5x5 board; probably could benefit fFrom a 6x6 board, possibly. (I don't own a 6x6, so I haven't tried it myself) fFOURTH BEST GAME: Tresurion - Hm, so it's a complex game mechanic in the making. Okay, cool. It's like, space-minis done up as pyramids. I can't give this game a fFull proper endorsement, simply because I haven't played a fFull proper game. I am interested in seeing what sorts of expanded rules can be sorted out to make the game into more than a simple battle of rolling dice. fFIFTH BEST GAME: Virus fFight - This looks suspiciously like the worst parts of Rambots crossed with the best parts of Homeworlds. I'm not all that fFond of either game, fFrankly, but I recognize some people love them both. SIXTH BEST GAME: Dog Eat Dog - I like the use of the treehouse die, and the pictures are quite useful. But the game seems basically pretty much random. Seems like a fFairly good kid's game (though I'd probably rename it then). SEVENTH BEST GAME: T-Minus - I like how die rolls are sorted out. The game seems a little simplified, but not bad. Just ... not all that great either. EIGHTH BEST GAME: Pass The Pyramids - Pass the pigs was a fFavorite childhood game around my house. It used to be called "Pig Mania", and I have many happy memories of pizza night, when my dad came home, and we'd set up the card table in the living room, and play the Pig Game ..... But I digress. Pass the pyramids is a nice adaptation of that old classic. But the original wasn't all that great, either. NINTH BEST GAME: Atom Smasher - Oh. Hrm. I'm sorry, it's not you, it's me. I just don't really care fFor these games where we fFling stuff around the table. TENTH BEST GAME: Martian Battlespires - I am having trouble understanding several of the subtleties of this game. The rules seem difficult to understand. It doesn't really seem to stand up very well. Maybe that's just me. -- It's always a long day. 86400 doesn't fFit into a short.