---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Avri Klemer <avri@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 3:45 PM Subject: IGDC voting To: IGDC.Coordinator@xxxxxxxxx Favorite to least favorite: 1 - Logger Clean rules, thematic, deep enough without being brain-burny. A genuine Icehouse Euro - we'll be playing this one plenty more. 2 - Atom Smasher Simple, active fun. Well written rules as usual, with a nicely tacked on theme. An easy sell with most groups. 3 - Ambush This is a classic Icehouse brain-burner. I look forward to an online implementation . . . 4 - Albiorix Might turn out to be a much better game than those I ranked higher, but needs a lot more practice / study. A huge number of options on each turn, and so far very little way to tell what is a good or a poor move. Tough to find opponents for - another that might do well at SDG? 5 - Dog Eat Dog I loved the idea of this one, but it didn't *quite* click. Not sure what we missed, though the Volcano scoring didn't seem to fit. Would like to give it another try with a different crowd. 6 - T-Minus Another nicely written rule set, and an interesting game. (The quality was incredibly high this Contest). Perhaps a little too simple, but seems like it could be tense with the right crowd. Definitely not a bad game! 7 - Martian BattleSpires Yet another interesting premise that we just didn't "get". A little fiddly? No Rank - Pass The Pyramids My own design. No Rank - Tresurion Too big a game to get to the table in this format. Looks like it may be an interesting system, but brevity is King when it comes to judging these contests. Can't in all fairness rank it with the games I did play. No Rank - Virus Fight Didn't enjoy it last time, seemed to be no changes to the rules between Contests, so it didn't get back to the table. As I recall, we found it fiddly and dry.