Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Fwd: Vote for Summer '08

  • From"Jason Spears" <spielboy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 27 Jul 2008 14:25:14 -0400
> From: Don Sheldon <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Vote for Summer '08
> Ambush
> read thru: Looks clever.  Definitely needs to be played before forming
> a solid opinion.  In the third diagram, how does placing at B2 capture
> anything?  I thought it had to form a line.

Don Sheldon,

Thanks for catching that. It is a mistake, carry over from a previous
version of the rules that had slightly different capture conditions.
I'll fix it as soon as the wiki is editable.


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