Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Wiki Infobox Ideas/Discussion

  • FromDavid Artman <david.artman@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 29 Jun 2009 12:47:04 -0400
Hi, folks;

Just want to be sure all designers are aware of a discussion I'm trying to start about how to revamp the Infobox now that it's a tool for semantic wiki stuff:

Much of it is just "yeah, we should do that" consensus-seeking and a bit of trawling the wiki to update the existing Infoboxes. The rest involves semantic wiki code stuff I haven't had time to learn about.

Come on by and weigh in. In time I'll take the Just Do It approach for the stuff I know how to do and bear the burden of updating 200+ pages. :}

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