Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] (Icehouse Games) German Translations

  • From"Martin Jung" <martin.jung@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 27 Jul 2009 21:29:07 +0200

Hello Mailing List!

I just started to get into Icehouse-Games.

I want to have the rules for my favorites in German, because it will make it easier to find opponents.

I already started to translate the rules for Alien City..

So here are two questions for you:

1.       Are there any rules for Icehouse Games available in German?

2.       If I translate the rules for a game, where should I publish them? BGG? Icehouse Wiki? Do I have to contact the designers to ask them for permission?


That’s all for now. Greetings from Switzerland,


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