Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] New Tarot-less Gnostica Deck

  • FromBrian Reichert <rignes@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 15 Oct 2009 23:08:25 -0400
Wow, those look excellent.  Let me know how the printed cards work out for you.

It looks like you have to buy it in 2 of their decks as a normal tarot deck is
78 cards but they offer it in 54 card sets.  Is that true?



* Aaron Dalton <aaron@xxxxxxxxxx> [2009-10-15 09:18:01-0600]
> I have yet to actually play, but to do so I will need to get my family and 
> friends to play.  That, I decided, required a little toning down of the 
> tarot aspects of the game.  I tried my hand at creating such a beast, as 
> the one linked earlier didn't really turn my crank aesthetically.  I made 
> the cards poker sized and suitable for artscow.  You can see them at:
> http://perlkonig.com/gnostica/
> I welcome any and all feedback, and please let me know if there is an 
> error in the cards.  I took the text from the rules page at:
> http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Ginohn/games/Gnostica/GnosticaRules.html
> Cheers!
> -- 
> Aaron Dalton
> http://perlkonig.com
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Brian Reichert
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