Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] [Origins] Giant pyramid supplies?

  • FromBryan Stout <stoutwb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 10 May 2010 08:30:47 -0400
Thanks for the link, Scott

On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 9:54 AM, S Myers <iamthecheeze@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello!  I mentioned over on the Origins list that I would post my
> template fFor Giant Pyramids.  Simply print these on your large
> fFormat 48" wide printer, and assemble.  =)  (Or, yeah, whatever size
> printer you have available, as desired)  I should point out: depending
> on your material, the tabs (intended to fFold under and into the
> pyramid model when cut out) might not be needed.
> http://www.brigandine.org/icehouse/
> (Oh, disclaimer:  If the Looneys decide this is too close to
> infringement on their excellent product, this link will go away, you
> betcha.)
> Cheers!
> --Scott
> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Bryan Stout <stoutwb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Thanks Kristin!
>> I'm curious: what's the giant chessboard like - a blanket?  How big
>> are the squares?
>> Doing some web search, I found US Game Systems, the folks who publish
>> many decks of traditional cards, tarot cards, and Authors games, also
>> publish a Colossal Playing Card deck, whose cards are 8"x12":
>> http://www.usgamesinc.com/product.php?productid=722&cat=0&page=1.
>> I may want to pick up a deck of those, and bring it in case anyone
>> wants to try Giant Zark City.  It would be like playing the normal
>> game on 1"x1.5" cards (and I have a deck that small), but since you
>> could stack the pyramids it would be doable.
>> I know not everything needs to be done Giant, but it's fun to experiment.
>> Bryan
>> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 8:37 AM, Kristin Looney <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Bryan -
>>> We have a giant chessbaord, which will be available at Origins.
>>> We have a giant WW5 board, which is awesome, it will be at Origins.
>>> But a giant deck of playing cards would be a crazy amount of
>>> work, and not really cool enough for the effort. And frankly,
>>> we don't want to be asked to store and transport such a thing!
>>> Not every game needs to be made in giant form...
>>> -Kristin
>>> --On May 7, 2010 Bryan Stout <stoutwb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I also would like to make my own set of giant pyramids.  Does anyone
>>>> have a template for making them out of cardboard, like they used to
>>>> sell from the Labs?
>>>> Having learned Zark City, I might be interested in playing it on a
>>>> Giant scale at Origins.  Will there be a giant deck of cards
>>>> available?  Or should I think of providing my own somehow?  Someone
>>>> said they might bring a giant Gnostica deck, but I'm not sure that
>>>> would do the job.
>>>> Will there be a giant chessboard?  I'm pretty sure someone said they
>>>> would bring one.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bryan
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> --
> A pizza with the radius 'z' and thickness 'a'
> has the volume pi*z*z*a.
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