Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Volcano top grid only - anyone want one?

  • FromAlison <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 25 May 2010 12:26:07 -0400
Hello pyramid persons,

I am about to place a special order with our Volcano Board supplier to have them make a top-grid-only for someone doing a crafty project. Does anyone else want one?

5x5 grid-only - $15
6x6 grid-only - $18

They also said they can make a fully constructed Volcano Board with a translucent base. This would be done by making the bottom out of clear plexi which has been sanded to give it a frosted effect. Naturally, the adhesive used to stick the top grid down would show if you looked at the bottom. Price on this would be the same as for a regular board of the same size.

"frosted" base 5x5 - $20
"frosted" base 6x6 - $30
"frosted" base 3x4 - $10

These will NOT be available on a regular basis. They're by special order only, so act now if you want one! Email customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx to let us know if you're interested, or if you have any questions.

Don't reply to the list, or we might not see it!
Email customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We need to know by Tuesday June 1st.

Alison Looney
Question Answerer 1st Class
Sales Support

company site: http://looneylabs.com/
webzine: http://wunderland.com/
Phone: 301-441-1019, Fax: 301-441-4871
P.O. Box 761, College Park, MD 20741