Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Best of 2009 awards - name

  • FromBryan Stout <stoutwb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 7 Jun 2010 10:26:26 -0400
While we're working on coming up with the finalists, here are some other questions I want to get a reasonable consensus on:

1.  The name.  Suggested names include: "Apex Award", "Fan Award", "ICE Award", "Pyramid Pinnacle Prize". 

I like "ICE Award" because it's short, and stands for "Icehouse Community Excellence Award"; but it has the disadvantage of referring to the term "Icehouse", while there has been a general trend to call the games "pyramid games" rather than "Icehouse games" -- Pink Treehouse doesn't use the term "Icehouse" except in the credits.

I like "Apex Award" because it's short, and "apex" is the correct term for the top of a pyramid, so the word has associations both with pyramids and with excellence. 

Being short is a virtue because the name needs to fit into the small space in the Lab Report.  In fact, Kristin may have already chosen and ordered the printing of the report; but in case she hasn't, what are your feelings?  I'd be happy with "ICE" or "Apex", though I prefer the latter.

This is enough for this email.  I'll ask the other questions in another one.


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