Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] No more tubes

  • FromBuddha Buck <blaisepascal@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 20 Mar 2011 17:31:56 -0400
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Elliott C. Evans <eeyore@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Nick L. wrote:
>> I always managed to break the tubes. They're based on ee0r's vertical
>> stackbox design, I think, so you could just print some out on cardstock
>> if it's the space packing you care about. If you're using tubes for
>> display purposes though, yeah I dunno what to do about it.
> It's the other way around, I think. I mean, I couldn't have designed
> the boxes without some stackable pieces, and the stackable pieces have
> always come in the tubes.

Stackable pieces have not always come in tubes.  My first set (of 4
stashes) of Stackable pieces came in a clear plastic box which I think
was sold as a "Martian Chess Set", although I'm sure others will
correctly inform me of a different name.  It was impossible to get
individual colors as a stash for a while.  I believe I got a different
set of 4 stashes as part of the Zendo boxed set (which I only bought
for the pyramids, already having the rules for Zendo handy).  I don't
know if individual tubes were available at that time yet, either.  I
believe the tubes came about as part of a marketing attempt based
around one of the games which can be played with fewer stashes than
Zendo or Ice House.

> Here's a link to the page about the stacker stash boxes:
> http://www.ee0r.com/proj/stackerstash.html
> Wow, more than ten years ago. I don't think I ever used these boxes
> myself. I used the Mini Stash Box for a while, but I switched to the
> tubes eventually.
> --
> Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans
> eeyore@xxxxxxxx
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