Hello Looney Labs fans and time-travelers!
Back To The Future: The Card Game is now available for preorder at our
...and from friendly local game stores in the US, Canada, UK, and Ireland!
Back To The Future: The Card Game is similar to Chrononauts, but simplified
and streamlined. ID cards designate you as a descendant of one or more of
the characters from the movies, vying to flip the various events of the
three movies to ensure their own existence. When everything is in place,
prevent Doc from ever inventing time travel, and your win is sealed!
We have the game, a poster, and two promo cards promoting the game -- one
for Fluxx, and one for the Back To The Future Game itself. Ask for them at
a store near you! (Poster may not be available for sale at stores, but all
the rest will be)
Remember, we cannot sell these to anyone with a billing or shipping address
outside of the US, Canada, UK, or Ireland. Our apologies if you live
outside these areas.
Game - $20
Poster - $1
Swap Plays For Draws promo (Fluxx promo) - $1
Pizza Hydrator promo (BttF game) - $1
Order your game now... for the Future!
Alison Looney
Duchess of Inventory
Question Answerer 1st Class
Sales Support
company site: http://looneylabs.com/
webzine: http://wunderland.com/
Phone: 301-441-1019, Fax: 301-441-4871
P.O. Box 761, College Park, MD 20741