Yay UK Rabbits! Have fun at GenCon!
-Kristin (Mamma Rabbit) Looney
--On Sunday, October 30, 2005 1:34 AM +0100 Alex 'Tiefling' Roberts
<tiefling@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Esteemed rabbits,
Our glorious leader here in the UK, Jenny Waddington, has asked me to
remind you all of the following, as she's presently more a little too like
our mascot for comfort:
1. Gen Con UK is less than a week away.
2. We're understaffed, so please say if you're coming along, or confirm if
you already volunteered.
3. Please bring a pair of rabbit ears, and if you have Icehouse sets,
please bring those too.
4. We will be doing the Scavenger Hunt, so everyone over here now has a
We would really appreciate your support (and by the end of Sunday, some of
us may need supporting!) so please do come along and join in.
Alex (deputy rabbit)
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