Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Gen Con UK

  • FromDunk <snooch2nooch@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 8 Nov 2005 22:46:13 +0000
Thanks to Jenny and Alex for yet another fun filled rabbit filled gen con

I know me and my friends enjoyed it.

I thought the whole gen con event panned out good, the accomodation
was terrible ( i'd complain if it wasn't for the fact that everyone
else's rooms seemed to be as bad) butlins didn't want to look after us
until the families turned up friday but the event was organised

I even got chance to go for a dip in the sea (note to self never
again, unless its not raining and not november!)

I will provide links to any pics we got when i've got hold of them

Thanks again


On 08/11/05, Nimrod Jones <nimrod@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Congrats on GenCon. I can imagine it was a good one - shame I couldn't be
> there, but I'll be around for Conception in February. Hopefully I'll be able
> to get down to GCUK06, but that's just a wee bit in the future for me to
> start planning yet.
> Nimrod...
> On 08/11/2005 01:23:16, Jennifer Waddington (very_evil_kitten@xxxxxxxxxxx)
> wrote:
> > We finished it, despite drastic understaffing (mainly my fault). Thanks to
> >
> > Alex and Dunk for heroic Rabbit-like endeavours beyond any call of duty.
> > Once I crunch the data and convert to photos into images, some kind of
> > report will be submitted. Everyone needs to remind the other two to do so
> >
> > and claim their justly-deserved Rabbit points, though.
> > No gamer-voted-for awards this year, unfortunately...so we
> > don't know if we
> > technically successfully defended our 'Best
> > Demonstrator' title. But we got
> > a thank you in the closing remarks by the main organiser and the Rabbits
> are
> > allowed back next year. Any volunteers to run 2006?
> >
> >
> > Jennifer
> >
> >
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