I've just spoken to Phil at Spirit Games, and what he's actually got planned
is a series of public demos at a cafe in the central shopping area of the
town (which is nice, because the games shops are so crammed full of stock
that demoing would probably require a traffic management system).
The idea is that it would become a regular event that we could plan for,
with an emphasis on attractive and easily picked-up games to entice people
to try more. Presently, he's looking to start in the New Year both to give
Rabbits plenty of warning and because said cafe's likely to be hectic and
full of stressed-out ratty people in the run-up to Christmas.
I gave him my details, others of you may want to email with your addresses
too if you're up for what sounds like a fun programme. He also has the link
for the 'ukrabbits' community on livejournal, so he can post his requests on
there too.
...he wants to make absolutely sure that we're on board for Beer & Pretzels
2006, for a third year of Rabbity goodness (he was quite emphatic that we
should put it in our diaries). I'll be there if I don't get 'flu again. The
dates are the weekend of 13th/14th May, and the website is at:
Time to bake cookies for Dragonmeet.