Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] GenCon UK 2005 by Jennifer Waddington

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 4 Dec 2005 17:31:26 -0500
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Jennifer Waddington has submitted.

Title: GenCon UK 2005
Location: Bognor Regis, UK
Date: 3rd-6th November 2005

I should really have submitted this report immediately afterwards, as it all became a bit of a blur by the end. We ran four days of demos, tournaments, cookies and general silliness in our very own area. There was slight panic at first when on packing to leave, it was discovered that the giant Rabbit poster had vanished. This was easily solved on arrival, as a local reprographics firm were happy to print me a new A0 one (on such high quality paper it's reuseable) at an insanely cheap price - and one of them apparently later showed up at the convention too.
The serious panic was on setting up early Thursday morning as I found out that the Other Half had not brought the carry-bag with the giant Cosmic Coasters and Q-Turn as I'd asked. _Most_ annoying. I'd prearranged for the loan of a whiteboard easel, and we used that to post details of events for the day, the current high score in the Volcano Challenge (throughout the convention, you could challenge a Rabbit to a game of Volcano, highest score at the end gets a prize), which cookie we were serving, amusing quotes, and the location of the cards in the Scavenger Hunt....
....Yes, we did it! We ran a Scavenger Hunt! And it worked! (Good job too, because we've now reached total saturation on the Little Experiment for now; I only gave out 6 Stars over the whole convention.) The traders with the cards were suitably evil, and I wish I'd got some of the 'bunny dances' on video as they were worryingly good. We had a stock of the 'Werewolf Etiquette' cards, but the deal was that we couldn't be asked for them unless we were in Roving Rabbit mode (code for 'wandering around with the bunny ears on and a Fluxx deck in your pocket, to answer questions and maybe a quick game or two). This led to some fun chase scenes worthy of the Benny Hill Show because we have a twisted sense of humour and are very nippy on our feet - as are the players. I was led into an ambush of about 8 Hunters at one point. Generally we made them sing Monty Python songs to get their card, as what gamer doesn't know those?
We ran a Just Desserts tournament, with a beta deck going to the (very happy) winner but the best competitive session has to have been the MegaFluxx tournament on the Sunday. We combined normal Fluxx, EcoFluxx and all the cards that were taken out of v. 2, like the Pyramid (Family Fluxx unfortunately wasn't out yet), and of course used the UK Convention House Rule whereby everyone has to sing a song vaguely related to the Keeper's title whenever they put one into play or steal one. We ran on a simple timelimit, with a token going to everyone who won a game, then after that limit we put all of them together in a 'final'. Luckily for us, the winner of the Volcano Challenge was one of the finalists (runner-up) so we didn't have to go looking for him to give him his prize.
We ran Werewolf every night, and getting hunted down to moderate a game or two in the bar after the convention 'closes' is now so expected that we might as well try to put it on the official timetable...
Superb Rabbit skills and hard work from Alex, Dunk, Dave - and all the people who agreed to mind the tables so that we could go and get a snack. Bunny-thulhu performed his usual job of terrifying and fascinating passers-by, and I nearly ran out of all stock of promo cards and Happy Flowers.
Can all the other Rabbits please send their reports in too, please? Take my word for it, they really, really deserve those points.