Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] Intro to Looney Labs Games by Tonya Foust

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 14 Dec 2005 12:17:35 -0500
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Tonya Foust has submitted.

Title: Intro to Looney Labs Games
Location: Top Deck Cards
Date: 12/10/2005

The owner of Top Deck Cards in Downers Grove, IL had recieved a Store Sample bag from Looney Labs, but no one knew the games.  I found out after going there that they knew about Fluxx but hadn't played in years.

I set up in the front of the store.  Carol gave me a tie-dye cloth to cover the table with and that helped a lot with attracting attention.

The downside to the event was that most of the kids were there for a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament.  However, I got moderate interest from the parents who stuck around for thier kids.

I showed people how to play Ice Towers and Volcano, Fluxx and Are You A Werewolf?  Volcano was the hit of the day though so we set up a round-robin that people stepped into and out of to play.

I talked with the store owners about the possibility of setting up another day to come out and making it a scheduled event for them.  They agreed that it might get more attention that way.