Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Pocket-sized chess set?

  • FromDataPacRat <datapacrat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 25 Jun 2006 00:33:38 -0400
My brother likes wearing bandannas, and likes Chess - so, for his
birthday (Jul 24), I've ordered him the Chessboard Bandanna, from
http://www.warehouse23.com/item.cgi?LAB018 .

Now, it's hard to play chess without chess pieces, so to make his
present even better, I'm hoping to find some sort of pocket-sized
chess set. The only ones I've been able to find online are the
magnetic boards, which kind of defeat the purpose of the bandanna.
Ideally, something the size of a credit card or two, or would
otherwise fit inside a wallet, would be perfect; maybe even something
based on those new pop-open-and-assemble cards (ala that pirate CCG).

Does anybody know of anything being sold along these lines?

Thank you for your time,
Daniel Boese, aka DataPacRat
"Why should I believe that?"

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