Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Some questions about Cosmic Coasters

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 4 Aug 2006 13:57:36 -0500
You can only teleport from the teleport pad in the center of the coaster - and ONLY if you've got at least 2 ships on the control points.  (you've got to control at least 2 AND a majority of the control points - in other words, if you have a ship on 2 control points on the Callisto coaster and your opponent has a ship on 2 control points on the Callisto coaster, then neither of you can teleport. No one has full and total control.)

You can't just teleport whenever you feel like it from any point on the coaster.  You've got to go from the center teleport pad.  Once you teleport out of the center, you've got to spend at least a turn (and often more) getting a piece into the center again.  Then, (if you've still got control - see above) you can teleport.

I hope this helps!!


On 8/4/06, Kimberly Terrill <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
According to the rules, when you teleport and land on another ship- the ship landed on is automatically destroyed... right (unless you have a special power ...)
Is there a limit or something? when we play, my son lands on one of my ships each turn and after 7 turns I have NO ships.... He lands on such a way I can't even build things in factories while I still have ships.
No fun....

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