Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Experiment Plan - Orange County

  • From<dbmarron@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 7 Sep 2006 9:32:43 -0700
---- Kristin Looney <retailer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 
> Dave (APPman) the Blab Rabbit -
> I'm not sure where Orange County is...   California?  Maybe?  LA ?

Southern California. I personally live within shouting distance of the House Of Mouse. :)

> Please send us more info on this store, and we can give them a call
> and see if they would be interested in getting our House Copy bag,
> so they would have demo copies in the store for you to play with.
> It's certainly worth giving them a call!  Do they sell our games?

The only game I saw was Fluxx. I plan on going back to do some more drooling, and I'll do some more re-con.

> First check to see if the store is already on our roster, by
> entering your zip code onto this page:  <http://roster.looneylabs.com/>

Nope, not there.
> If the store is NOT on our roster, then please instead fill out this form:
> <http://www.looneylabs.com/contactus/submission_store_cust.html>

I'll get a business card with the info.

> Thanks for playing Looney Labs games at your local games store!

I haven't done it yet, but I'm working on it. :)

> -Kristin "Mama Rabbit" Looney

And BOY have you got a lot of kids out there, Mama. :)

Dave (APPman) the Blab Rabbit

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