Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Experiment Plan - Orange County

  • FromKristin Looney <retailer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 06 Sep 2006 19:50:50 -0400
Dave (APPman) the Blab Rabbit -

I'm not sure where Orange County is...   California?  Maybe?  LA ?

Please send us more info on this store, and we can give them a call
and see if they would be interested in getting our House Copy bag,
so they would have demo copies in the store for you to play with.
It's certainly worth giving them a call!  Do they sell our games?

First check to see if the store is already on our roster, by
entering your zip code onto this page:  <http://roster.looneylabs.com/>

If the store is there, you can click on (Comments about this Store)
and tell us this is the store you posted about in Orange County.

If the store is NOT on our roster, then please instead fill out this form:

Thanks for playing Looney Labs games at your local games store!

-Kristin "Mama Rabbit" Looney

--On September 6, 2006  dbmarron@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

To all Orange County Rabbits!!

I found a very nice game store in Laguna Hills called GameMaster. They
have a regular Thursday chess night, where you can just walk in and play
(they provide the sets).

So, why not a demo some Sunday afternoon/evening?

My problem: I only know Fluxx. Are there any OC Rabbits who:
1) Would be willing to teach a poor Blab Rabbit what he's missed out on,
and 2) Would be willing to join me at the store?

I haven't spoken to the owner yet, but he was very nice when I visited.
Here's the blog entry detailing my visit:

Thanks all!

Dave (APPman) the Blab Rabbit
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