Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] Rabbits at Gryphcon Shadow by Heather Davies

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 24 Sep 2006 09:55:47 -0400
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Heather Davies has submitted.

Title: Rabbits at Gryphcon Shadow
Location: Guelph, ON, Canada
Date: Sept 23, 2006

Finally we (my husband and I.. both of us Rabbits), managed to shirk our D&D selves long enough to spend a day at one of the local cons playing Demo Rabbit. We set ourselves up in one of the convention rooms (alas, a little more out of the way than we'd hoped for, but it did have good tables and chairs and was quiet), spread out the games and started playing games. The game day was quieter than the organizers had hoped, which meant we never had a HUGE turnout of people.. rarely more than one game going at any given time for example. We did, however, sample a wide variety of games. Treehouse was popular, as was Fluxx and Chrononaughts. Volcano had a more select audience, but came up more than once. Zendo, however, was a huge hit. It really appealed to the group we had in the room at the time. The exec of the campus club (this was held at the University, sponsered by the campus Games Club) has expressed interest in getting club copies of a few of the games, and especially in m!
 aking Treehouse more visible around the community. Of course Penn and I tend to corner all sorts of people into a game of Treehouse, so that's no surprise to us. :) All in all, a good day of gaming was had by all. Promo cards, Fluxx stickers and micro catalogs flowed freely. :)