Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive
[Rabbits] Blab report
- FromTheLoneGoldfish <thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx>
- DateMon, 23 Oct 2006 03:27:55 -0500
Cut from previous post (was non-topical)
--- Rabbit stuff (blab), visit to a friend in Evanston
* Played a lot of treehouse while eating today, eventually the game
wore thin however. (we had 5 players, so it may have been a bit too
* I managed to get 3/4 of an Aquarius game to play Aquachicken (A good
strategy I found is to complete 2 sets of seven at once, then flip your
goals as you do it to see if you won)
* We also used some pyramids to count points for a game of cheapass'
Spree. (it was a little confusing trying to explain a base-five system
though 1/5/25)
* After the meeting me and someone I was taking home went for chineese
food, and while waiting for food I quickly tried to explain and start a
game of binary homeworlds. He threw me for a surprise moving a small
red into a yellow system, thereby threatening my first non-home system
which had a blue (green system), if he had attacked I'd either have to
retreat (giving him a connecting system with green/red from which to
launch attacks). Early game reds can be mean... [this was my first game
too, but I've read a bit]
* We had a game of nano-fictionary too, but I think it had a problem
with people "kitchen sink"ing characters... To the point where the
conflict/setting cards are lost in a sea of confusion (and the person
won pretty much on having the most stuff at the end) I'm just griping
because it seems the rules reward actions that defy the spirit of the
game (megafictionary vs. nanofictionary)
Non-looney involved stuff:
* Played a game of Catan with cities and knights... Catan is one game where I won't have fun even if I'm winning.
* I finished making 2 bags from the leftover chessboard material... when empty they are 4x4 grids making them good for martian chess.
* I'm batting an idea around in my brain for trying to get gauntlet/diablo style fun out of a board game/rpg/thing... I have pyramids on the brain so I'm thinking in terms of giving every player a rainbow pyramid for their character (red warrior, blue wizard, yellow valkyrie, green elf ) lying flat, Icebreaker style... Probably more engaging with minis... but for playtesting it may be fun. Also, I was thinking of printing stickers to put on the GameMastery item cards with bonuses for items and such for a bit more immersiveness via props.
* 2 treehouse sets can be used to run a game of Out of the Box's "Fish Eat Fish"... if you don't mind little pyramids eating big ones :)
* The coating on cheap playing cards smells a lot like paint thinner.
* Looney related, but not blab: Icebreaker is a lot of fun, except my machine churns when it tries to loop the music... and the isometric grid is not the same grid that you move/shoot on when pointing diagonally... (I'm a [unemployed] draftsperson, that stuff bugs me... and yes I know development stopped almost a decade ago...).
But it was a lot of fun kiting enemies into things. Oh, the main reason I tried is now was to make sure I wasn't making tabletop Icebreaker... (or to see if tabletop icebreaker would be fun...) In either case, I figured I'd take a look in case I was about to reinvent something that was done ten years ago.
* That's it for this weekend I think. Sorry about not making it to Pizza for the People again, but I was out of it on saturday.
-Evan (who plays much better not knowing his goal)