Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Treehouse Demo Team

  • FromKristin <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 04 Nov 2006 11:05:08 -0500
Thank you everyone for all the great event reports!
... there are so many amazing rabbits.  Wow!

Here is a simple new program than any rabbit can participate in...

The Treehouse Tell-A-Store program

If there is a a hobby game store near you that sells our games,
PLEASE got visit them and talk to them about Treehouse!

Our distributors are pitching these specials, in fact, they
will be sending out copies of the two flyers you can download
from the tell-a-store page to hobby game stores everyone over
the next couple of weeks...

... but there is a lot of old history with these pyramids,
and we need to get the word out to these store owners about
how great Treehouse is, and how easy it is to demo and sell.

Please jump on this right now if you can...
 ... we need your help to get the word out on these specials!


You can check our roster for a store: http://roster.looneylabs.com/
But not all stores that sell our games are on this list... so
please visit any game store near you that sells at least Fluxx.

Please go jabber enthusiastically about Treehouse in a store near
you - report back here on how it goes and earn rabbit points!

Thanks for helping us promote our pyramids!


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