Welcome to Winter in all it's wonderful craziness.
I'd love seeing this sort of community chatter between the Rabbits - it really shows that we're a bunch of Looney Labs Loving people all over the world, really. Which means different climates all over the place. It's great to commisserate with those who suffer the winter weather... and gloat about being in the warm lovely sun, if that's where you're at.
However, if we want to continue this sort of chatter, how about we move it to the Something list? It's cool to start stuff here and then, if we realize that the thread has probably gone beyond basic Rabitty stuff (and this started as an Off Topic [OT] topic...) then it's probably time to move it.
For info on how to get on the Something list, go here:
http://lists.looneylabs.com/mailman/listinfo/somethingthanks all! Our Rabbits just ROCK!
Rabbit Wrangler and Con Schnook