Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] Dragonmeet 2006 by Jennifer Waddington

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 3 Dec 2006 18:55:38 -0500
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Jennifer Waddington has submitted.

Title: Dragonmeet 2006
Location: London, UK
Date: 2nd December 2006

Dragonmeet is a one-day convention with a friendly, informal atmosphere that welcomed the Rabbits back this year, with three demo tables held open for us all day - and we needed them, with two in use at all times.
We ran repeated games of Treehouse, using the Tree Buttons and the relevant promo cards to offer The Forest goal (keeping the tree theme going, and given that Christmas is not far away, we handed out Xmas Tree cards). Also very popular were the two Chrononauts games, and some new players were introduced to Nanofictionary (Fluxx is _always_ popular as a pickup game and goes down well - I'm beginning to think that it's more report-worthy if we don't play it during the course of a day).
AYAW? was run - literally by popular demand, no more than 10 minutes after the doors opened, we had a cluster of regular players in front of our tables asking when we'd be running it - right at the end of the day, when space was available in a separate room so that people nearby wouldn't be disturbed in the somewhat close-packed area.
What went right? Well, we had many returning players who both wanted to try out new things, such as the new Fluxx expansions, and settle down for a round of their favourites, new players who'd heard about the games, even people specifically looking round all the demo areas for family games to play at Christmas. Prior to the convention, I'd been able to get in touch with some of the traders and request that they brought along their stock, as it does become frustrating when people who don't want to wait and buy it when they get home decide that your copies must automatically be for sale. This helped a lot, and one trader obligingly ordered extra copies of Treehouse once I explained the Forest challenge would be going on. People had fun - a lot of it. We were kept busy, but enough Rabbits were there that people didn't get turned away. Lots of trees of various kinds, several Stars, Treehouse brochures and Looney Labs brochures were given out to interested (and interesting) peopl!
 e, and the overall blood sugar level was kept up with brownies.
What went wrong? For starters, I had to make new posters at 6am when I realised I'd forgotten to print them off and then couldn't find the files. Added to the late start, we nearly didn't make it there before the doors opened - but at least we weren't in the delaying accident that held up traffic. Then, the other Rabbits had to work much harder to take up my slack because I was quite frankly not getting anything done effectively, despite being Lead. They also ran AYAW? when I had to leave early, and hopefully gave out some more of the Xmas Tree promos I left with them. These Uberrabbits (who will probably forget to send in their reports and get points) were Nimrod Jones, Alex Roberts and Janos Bornemisza.
I also neglected to bring the correctly copied Treehouse rules strips or even copy the Martian Coasters rules at all. Even something as simple as a table cover makes a difference (yes, I forgot those as well).
In short, a bit of a trainwreck in my case and without the hard work of fellow Rabbits and accommodating atmosphere of the con, real problems could have occurred.