Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] The FMG Project by Jordan Gaudard

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 7 Dec 2006 12:58:56 -0500
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Jordan Gaudard has submitted.

Title: The FMG Project
Location: Full Moon Games
Date: December 1, 2006

At my local game shop not everyone has the money to play everyday.  Some people are left out to watch, and some of the players who are left to watch are a lot younger than the rest of the gamers at the shop.  At times they may get a little bit nosier than the rest of the members.  I decided I would teach them how to play Tree House.  I got the game out of my car and taught them how to play, at first there were only 3 kids, buy by the end of the time playing, I had most everyone in the room wanting to play, or to play again.  It was such a success the store owner wanted more information on how to get more games from Looney Labs.  We plan on sitting and talking about this sometime this weekend and planning up an order.  I agree'd to teach the game on a day of the week when there are more than 10 people there at the shop, then dedicate a day of the week for looney lab games.  The best part about these types of games is that they are so simple to play.  The owner of the card sho!
 p also owns a pizza place, in the same building.  Games simple as tree house would be something he could put at every table when people come to dine in, they too could learn how to play. I will update this report later to tell the success of this masterpiece.