Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Something broken?

  • From"Carol Townsend" <carol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 8 Dec 2006 13:19:35 -0600
We did have a problem this morning with a few of our geekier things - we've all been so chatty lately we filled up space faster than expected.  

No worries though - our fantastic geek Craig has fixed the problem and we should have clear sailing again.

If you do still experience problems, let me know.


ps - I'm cross posting this to the Something list to make sure that list works for people.

On 12/8/06, Brian Campbell <lambda@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I got your message, so I don't think Something is broken for
everyone. I also got all of the messages I sent to the Something list
about juggling, as well as one reply.

Christopher, have you checked to make sure you weren't unsubscribed
from the list, or had your subscription temporarily disabled?
Sometimes if your email address bounces too often, mailman will
automatically disable your subscription.

On Dec 8, 2006, at 1:00 PM, Kimberly Terrill wrote:

> I dont have my account set up to recieve a copy of what I mail out.
> here is the link I sent:
> http://intihuatani.usc.edu/cloud/flowing/core.html
> my geeky husband sent it to the boys and I. It's a weird little
> game of evolving orgamisms
> --Kimberly
> On 12/8/06, Christopher Hickman < tophu@xxxxxxx> wrote: Hmm, you
> sent something yesterday?  Did you receive it from the list? I
> haven't gotten anything since the (failed) attempt to move the
> juggling discussion over to something on the fourth...  Who's the
> technical person now? Should I just send the error to Robin so she
> can wrangle it out to a resident geek?
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