Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Gaming in Woodbridge, VA

  • FromRebiccola <rebiccola@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 22 Jan 2007 16:41:00 -0500
Hi Everyone,
I'm a new rabbit, and I'm addicted to Treehouse and Martian Coasters. So I've decided to organize a Treehouse/Martian Coasters Demo and Game Day at the Game Parlor in Woodbridge, Virginia on February 18, from 4:00 - 7:00 PM. This will be my very first event. If any of you Rabbits are in the area, I hope you will consider attending. I would love it if someone could bring single color stashes (or appropriate Treehouse stashes) and teach me some of the "classics" either before or after the demo. I have 2 Martian Coasters with rainbow Treehouse sets and 3 xeno Treehouse sets. I'm planning to bring my other LL games (Aquarius, E.A. & regular Chrononauts, Fluxx, & Are you a Werewolf?) in case I have the same people the whole time and we get bored with MC (is that possible?!?). However, I'm not as comfortable teaching the other games yet.
I like Kimberly's idea of having cookies, but I'll bring a brownie-like dessert instead.  ;-)

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