Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] Conception 2007 by Jennifer Waddington (fwd)

  • FromCarol Townsend <rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 26 Feb 2007 15:03:19 -0600

------------ Forwarded Message ------------
Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 11:12 AM -0500
From: SuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Event] Conception 2007 by Jennifer Waddington

This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that
Jennifer Waddington has submitted.

Title: Conception 2007
Location: Highcliffe,  Dorset, UK
Date: 1st - 4th February 2007

This is more of a report of Rabbit delinquency, which is why I've requested
that it not be posted to the main list in order to spare embarrassment.
This convention has had a Rabbit presence for several years now, and as it
has a small, informal, friendly atmosphere, it's suited to the pick-up
games that we seem to settle on running. In the past we've had tournaments,
but what most people want is the option to just stop by and drop in. We
were understaffed in comparison to previous years; two Rabbits were unable
to attend and they normally work the table nigh-on full time when they're
there. Therefore the decision was taken to 'officially' close down during
the evening slots (although if individual Rabbits wanted to continue, they
could) with the exception of late-night games of AYAW?. The full range of
games were offered, but the majority which were actually played focused on
Treehouse and Martian Coasters - simply because the standard approach to us
from convention attendees was "So, what's new since last year?". We
operated a bake sale again this year; because the convention raises money
for charity, all demonstrators and traders are supposed to contribute in
some way. We raised £50.02, which is very good considering that we only
operated on three of the four days. Posters were put up advertising both
our presence and the opportunity for the Treehouse 'Forest' challenge -
luckily I had already designed the latter for Dragonmeet in December and
just needed to adjust the wording and reprint. Alex added a home-made AYAW?
poster which later acquired an additional page answering the eponymous
question with "No, but Nimrod is." Poor Nimrod. If it isn't getting slapped
with 'Reverse Order' just before his turn in Fluxx, it's being lynched in
AYAW?...even when he's the moderator. Because we could only fit a certain
number around our table (which was, admittedly, a really big table), the
rule of 'if they're wearing ears, they're on duty' was applied. Nimrod and
I had to put up with having our pictures taken and then displayed on a
board at reception so that anyone looking for a game could identify us (not
that they can't these days anyway). This allowed for games to go on in
other locations while, say, the main table was being used for Cosmic
Coasters. Many games were run and promo cards given out
(Trees/Forest/German Cake/Star/Borders Bonus/Pterodactyls) during the
convention, and much Rabbiting was performed by Nimrod Jones, Alex Roberts
and Laura Smith.

I now come to reporting Rabbit delinquency. Mine. I failed to carry out any
demoing apart from on the Thursday afternoon and on Saturday and Sunday
(frankly, it was very little then, too), and aside from a few games of
Martian Coasters, it was pretty much all pick-up games from the secondary
location in the lounge. I also neglected to provide even copies of, let
alone laminated ones, the rules to Martian Coasters, necessitating the
practice of passing the booklet around the table. The three incredibly
hard-working Rabbits mentioned both picked up my slack as well as coping
with initial understaffing, and hopefully they'll be submitting their own
reports soon. The above paragraph is to explain why I haven't asked for any

---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

Carol Townsend
Rabbit Wrangler and Con Schnook
and The Looney Labs Rabbit Team
(301) 441-1019 (main office)
(630) 448-4946 (Chicago office)
(301) 441-4871 <-- FAX