This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Timothy Hunt has submitted. ======== Title: TJ Activities Day Location: St Louis, mo Date: 2007-02-27 THe school I work at had an activities afternoon, and I was asked to do some boardgames. I had 11 students, so I got 5 of them playing EcoFluxx, then taught Chrononauts to the other 6, and I stayed on hand to answer questions. Cor... these students are impatient! "What does this card do?" "Well, what does it say?" "it says... *foo bar baz*" "So do *foo bar baz* then" "Oh, OK" And after a couple of games of EcoFluxx, I taught that group Zendo for 3 games... one of the students guessed the rule and blurted it out when it wasn't his turn. Ooops! Still, we all had a lot of fun, and the Chrono crowd played a second game without further intervention from me, that wa good too :)