This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Melissa Parish has submitted. ======== Title: Little Exp. @ House of Games Location: House of Games; St. Peters, MO Date: 23 Feb 2007 The St. Louis Warren got together to run a Little Experiment at the House of Games in St. Peter's, MO on 2/23. There were 7 Rabbits in attendance spread throughout the store. Starting at 6 pm and going on past 2 am, the store was full of people wanting to learn some new games. There were 2 rooms and at least 5 tables that were constantly full of people playing games. I personally demo'd Fluxx, Aquarius, Chrononauts, Treehouse, IceTowers, and Volcano. I gave out around 5 Star promo cards, and hopefully they result in people buying Fluxx to go with their shiny new card. =) I stayed waaay too late (past 2 am), but there was always someone eager to learn a new game. I only took a break during the second round of AYAW?, otherwise I was playing non-stop. It was exhausting, but a TON of fun. Can't wait for the next experiment!