Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] GenCon Indy 16-19 Aug

  • From"Steven R. Black II" <srblack1167@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 26 Mar 2007 08:15:12 -0700 (PDT)

> Our plans right now are fairly simple - during Dealer's room hours,
> we're
> going to focus our attention on the booth.  Afterwards, we're going
> to focus
> on Andy vs. Everybody, card games in the Board Gaming Room, Giant
> Pyramid
> games and AYAW wherever we can get space.  We will not be running a
> room
> this year.

Awe! That stinks!!!

Anyway, I'll be around - being an Indy local will help.

I'll be available for night-time AYAW? games mostly. For non-AYAW
games, the Maryland Food Court would be a nice place to set up shop...

Have several informal games going on around there would be good. If it
is not set up the way it has been the past two years, I guess we can
find something else.

I'll look out for you guys. However, I'm doing alot more other gaming
this year than I had the previous years.


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