Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

RE: [Rabbits] What cons are coming up?

  • From"Jennifer Waddington" <very_evil_kitten@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 17 Apr 2007 19:57:10 +0100

Here's my list - I have mentioned all of them on here before -

28th April; Family Gaming Day; Birmingham Children's Library, UK (details on the webpage for UK Games Expo - it's a pre-con event thing for that)

4th-6th May; Excaliber; Honicombe, Cornwall, UK; details are found on the Horsemen Events webpage at http://www.horsemenevents.com/

12th-13th May; Beer and Pretzels; Stoke-on-Trent, UK; http://www.spiritgames.co.uk/bnpdetails.php

2nd-3rd June; UK Games Expo; Birmingham, UK; http://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/index.html

30th August - 2nd September; Gen Con UK; Reading University, UK; details are found on the Horsemen Events webpage at http://www.horsemenevents.com/

I don't as yet know if Excaliber 2 will be running in November, or if I'll be attending Dragonmeet in December (although I intend to do both if possible), so I'm leaving them off this list.

Also running, but I am unsure if I will be attending, so free Rabbits may like to contact the relevant people if it sounds their thing:

20th-23rd July; Manorcon; Leicester University, UK; http://devel.diplom.org/manorcon/ (they welcome anyone with games to play, especially quick pickup ones - but because of the heavy tournament play going on, be prepared for long periods of no players around)


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