> Now - anyone else out there with conventions? I'm looking for > anything between now and April 18th 2008. :) > > Be sure to only send me (on list or off list is fine) cons that > you KNOW you're going to as a Rabbit. We want to advertise > conventions that are SURE to be hosting our games. > > Info I'd like (if possible) Name, Date, Location and website. Well, I'll be attending all of the following to run games and will have my LL stuff on hand, but I'm usually stretched thin enough that additional Rabbit aid is appreciated: LibertyCon - July 27-29, Chattanooga, TN, http://www.libertycon.org HallowCon - October 26-28, Chattanooga, TN, http://www.hallowcon.com FantaSciCon - mid-March 2008, Chattanooga, TN, http://www.fantascicon.com In addition, given its typical Rabbit contingent, I'm confident enough to relist Chattacon for 2008: Chattacon - January 25-27 2008, Chattanooga, TN, http://www.chattacon.org -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web.com - Microsoft® Exchange solutions from a leading provider - http://link.mail2web.com/Business/Exchange