Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Rabbits at Gamex

  • FromDevi Hughes <devihughes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 29 Apr 2007 02:15:37 -0400 (EDT)
>I've been contacted by the Exhibitor Coordinator for Gamex who is wondering
>if there are going to be any Rabbits at this convention:

I'm planning on being there, and so is Robby Delosier.  We're still working out details of what we're going to run, whether we can pull off a little experiment, etc.

>So...I know someone spoke up on this list earlier.... who all is going to
>Gamex??  And what are you planning to demo?  I want to make sure that Seth
>has plenty of time to stock up before the show!

That was me; I'd still like help from more Rabbits (if any more are going to be in attendance).  I know the Exhibitor Coordinator; I'll contact her and let her know what we're running once we settle it.


You're welcome, Chief Rabbit.  Always nice to run in your Owsla... OK, maybe you're Captain of the Owsla and Mama-Rabbit-Looney is "Chief Rabbit".  Disregard this entire paragraph if it makes no sense to you... :)

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