This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Steven Blackburn has submitted. ======== Title: Pigeon Games June Location: Pigeon Games, Cornwall Date: 12th June 2007 My first event was nerve racking, what with all the stuff to prepare before hand. Was lucky to get a good rate for a small advert in the local paper for publicity, which helped get quite a few people into the small space. I thought I'd start small, limit it to 18 people playing at a time. We had 3 tables set up, 2 playing fluxx and one Are you a werewolf, as those are currently the only games I own. People were more interested in the Fluxx games, but the proprietor, Daniel, was very interested in AYAW, having played it before, which also helped him sell more copies :) Arranged with Dan a copy of Fluxx as a prize for that demo, and had bought an "Are you a Werewolf?" T-shirt as the AYAW prize. Got lots of questions from the passers-by about the games, which helped keep the tables full.