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[Rabbits] [Event] Excaliber by Jennifer Waddington

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 27 Jun 2007 11:23:08 -0400
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Jennifer Waddington has submitted.

Title: Excaliber
Location: Honicombe, Cornwall, UK
Date: 4th-6th May, 2007

Ah, the joys of the regular convention. Of the regular crowds. And oh dear, the need to come up with something new to entertain them each time around...
Regrettably, the large crowds of children from the library event on the weekend before had left me feeling unwell, so I tended to demo for short bursts, followed by lying down. However, in those various shifts, I found myself demoing Martian Coasters on a near-continous level.
One of the almost-problems of a regular crowd is that they take it almost as a personal affront when coming across a new game, "I don't know that one!". When that happens, you're guaranteed enthusiastic players, but it's going to get intense while they explore every angle of the game.
A good aspect of this convention is that it's perfectly placed to negotiate space and details for Gen Con UK, and the fact that we're all sorted with floor demo space AND a room to hold a Fluxx 10th Birthday Party in has nothing to do with me bribing the organiser with a pack of Jewish Fluxx, honestly. But he did insist on about 10 games of Martian Coasters back-to-back.
Treehouse is liked among other attendees, because often they're looking for a quick pickup in between Living Greyhawk sessions. Even the local people who use the bar and restaurant find it interesting (aw, pretty pyramids), although only one man took me up on the offer of a game. 
Overall, even though the players remained a constant, yet again they managed to keep me busy.