Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] NEEDED: Dayton Area Rabbits

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 26 Jul 2007 14:13:35 -0400
It is official- I will be doing at least 4 game days at the local cafe. If there are any Rabbits in the Dayton area who have a a few moments maybe you could  stop by one of those days to help. It won;t be a game store, so it's not like demoing in a Game Ready environment.
The dates are:
July 31, Aug 3, Aug3, 7, 10.  (Tues & Fri)
All times are 2-4PM
Java Street Cafe. (937) 294-5280. 2056 E Dorothy Ln Dayton, OH 45420
I put a few posters up and also set out a Treehouse and a Fluxx on display next to one of the fliers. Hopefully we'll have a good turnout!

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