Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] please remember how much I love my rabbits

  • FromTheLoneGoldfish <thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 15 Jan 2008 00:50:09 -0500
Yay! the mama rabbit's back woo (albeit temporary)!

That is all.

On Jan 14, 2008 8:30 PM, Kristin Looney <rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> --On Jan 15, 2008  Jennifer Waddington <very_evil_kitten@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I keep meaning to type up what I've actually been involved in since the
> > Rabbit Reports stopped being 'compulsory' - although nothing's going to
> > beat the Fluxx 10th birthday party at Gen Con UK. We played party games
> > suitable for a 10 year old, served kiddie party foods and were very silly
> > in general.
> Wow this sounds like it was great fun!  Did anyone take pictures?
> I sure do miss the Rabbit Reports...  :(
> I'm so sorry I have been completely ignoring you guys for the last
> 8 months.  There is no question that turning off the reward program
> while we regrouped was the right thing to do - we are making wonderful
> progress on so many fronts - and did you see that thought residue Andy
> posted about sales?  All good stuff...   but please know how much I do
> care about the Rabbit Program and about all of our wonderful Rabbits.
> I'm going to get back to working on it soon - in fact, we hope to launch
> the beginnings of the new program this summer in time for Origins. Yikes!
> That's only 6 months away! First I need to finalize a bunch of things with
> our new lawyer (Yay! I love my new lawyer!) and sell a bunch of stock in
> the company and then negotiate half a dozen contracts for various things.
> But THEN I should be able to dig in and design the new fan program...
> I miss you guys. Have you been having fun throwing Fluxx parties?  We've
> sent out some 6000 party packs...  I hope you are having fun with them!
> Anyway...  just thought I'd say hi. I was thinking about how much I've
> been neglecting our fans, and wanted to say I'm sorry. I still love you
> guys, and I'm sorry I've been working on other things and ignoring you.
> Happy New Year!  I hope everyone has a wonderful 2008!
> -Kristin (of the Mamma Rabbit variety)
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